Maritime Interdiction and Patrol Vessel

14m Guardian

The 14m Guardian Patrol & Interception Boat is a modern sea going vessel featuring an optimal mono-hull shape, purpose designed and built to Marine Class standards.
Dual inboard diesel engine and water jet propulsion provide impressive all round speed and manoeuvrability, ideal for constabulary, patrol and military applications.
Paramount Group - Mbombe


  • Fitted for 3(three) crew and 7 (seven) passengers
  • Seats are built with suspension damping, providing spine protection and reduced fatigue on longer operations.
  • Additionally, seating can be removed for cargo/medical (stretcher) carrying functions.
  • Easy access to all maintenance significant items, high reliability and use of common spare parts, makes the GUARDIAN the boat that is SIMPLE to operate, EASY to maintain, and AFFORDABLE to own.